Until December 13, 1977, according to document number 074/1/1977 from the Seventh Regional Higher Education Coordination Agency (Kopertis Wilayah VII), STKAP was renamed as Surabaya Institute of Administrative Sciences (STIA). At that time, STIA already had two departments: Department of Business Management and Department of Public Administration.
In 1978, the East Java Teachers Welfare Foundation (Yastra Jatim) fully transferred the management rights of STIA to the Satya Tatpara Adhikara Education Foundation (YPSTA) as its legal successor. Under the guidance of YPSTA, STIA experienced rapid development. Subsequently, according to document number 35/Kpts/KPSTA/VII/81 issued by the Chairman of YPSTA on July 25, 1981, STIA evolved into a university and was named Dr. Sutomo University (Unitomo).
After becoming Universitas Dr. Soetomo, the campus gradually relocated to its own buildings situated on nearly 5 hectares of land in the Semolowaru area of Surabaya. Prior to this, during the transition from STKAP to STIA, the campus location underwent several changes, moving from the Semut Station area to the final location at the building of a national elementary school on Jl. Pemuda 26. With this ongoing development, in 1986, the foundation’s name was changed to the present-day Primary Smart Education Foundation (YPCU).
Although Unitomo was officially established in 1981, its historical roots can be traced back to an earlier period. As early as 1961, the Udatin College Education Foundation established the Surabaya Business Management Academy (APPS), which was the original precursor to Unitomo.
In late 1966, the management rights of APPS were transferred from the Udatin College Education Foundation to the East Java Teachers Welfare Foundation (Yastra), which subsequently developed it into the College of Business Management and Leadership (STAKP). In 1968, this name was once again changed to the College of Business Leadership and Management (STKAP).
In order to strengthen its own capabilities, the East Java Yastra Foundation merged with the Senapati Wijaya Foundation, Satya Negara Foundation, and Widya Bhakti Foundation on November 1, 1974, to establish a new foundation called the Satya Widya Surabaya Foundation. However, with the passage of time, on September 15, 1976, STKAP withdrew from the management of the Satya Widya Surabaya Foundation and returned to the management of the East Java Yastra Foundation.

To date, Dr. Sutomo University consists of a total of 10 faculties and offers 27 study programs.
The university currently comprises the School of Economics and Business, the School of Health Sciences, the School of Law, the School of Public Administration, the School of Communication Studies, the School of Teacher Training and Education, the School of Agriculture, the School of Literature, and the International School.