School of Communication
Aimed at cultivating students’ deep understanding of the communication process, media, and information, as well as their ability to apply communication principles in various fields.
Regarding the School of Communication Studies
College History
The School of Communication Studies is the first of its kind in the East Indonesian region. As a preferred institution in the digital age, the school has produced thousands of graduates who are active in various media platforms, businesses, and entrepreneurial projects. These include journalists, content creators, advertising professionals, public relations experts, photographers, travel bloggers, hosts, editors, graphic designers, broadcasters, directors, event planners, entrepreneurs, program managers, marketers, and more. Universitas Dr. Soetomo (Unitomo) of Communication Studies is the only campus in Surabaya qualified to conduct the Journalist Competence Test (UKW).

Why choose us?
Aimed at cultivating graduates with research skills in fields such as television, radio, film, advertising, newsprint media, audiovisual media, and digital media. The program includes courses in media and organizations, media and law, film studies, globalization and information society, newsprint media, media political economy, creative writing, etc. Additionally, there are practical courses such as audiovisual production, photography, interviewing and reporting, television journalism, radio journalism, online journalism, photojournalism, creative feature production, graphic design, animation and multimedia, radio production, and graduation projects.