UNIVERSITAS DR. SOETOMO LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE Dr. Siti Marwiyah, S.H., M.H. President Dr. Drs. Amirul Mustofa, M.Si. Vice President Dr. Ir. Suyanto, M.M. Vice President Dr. Hendro Wardhono, M.Si. Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences Dr. Kejora Handarini, S.TP. Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Dr. Eny Haryati, M.Si. Director of the Research Institute Dr. Hendro Wardhono, M.Si. Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr. Nur Sayidah, S.E., M.Si., Ak. Vice President Dr. Muhajir, S.Ag., M.Ed. Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Prof. Dr. Sukesi, M.M. Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Dwi Cahyono, S.Kom., M.T. Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Dra. Cicilia Tantri Suryawati, M.Pd. Dean of the Faculty of Literature Safrin Zuraida, S.T., M.T. Dean of the Faculty of Professional Accreditation Drs. Basuki Nugroho, M.Si. Chair of the Disaster and Environmental Research Center Dr. Ulul Albab, M.S. Director of the Anti-Corruption Research Center Rahmawati Erma S., S.Si., M.Si. Chair of the Center for Career and Learning Tracking Dr. Subekti, S.H., M.H. Dean of the Faculty of Law Dr. Harliantara, M.Si. Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Miftahul Khairoh, S.ST., M.Kes Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Dr. Sapto Pramono, M.Si. Head of Community Service Organization Dodik, S.E., M.M. Director of Academic Affairs Drs. Basuki Nugroho, M.Si. Director of General Affairs Lilis Iriani Bachrul Amiq, S.H. Chairperson of the Women’s Federation Drs. Hadi Sugiyono, M.S. Director of the Quality Assurance Center